Quality Testing and Research Lab

Quality Testing & Research Lab
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Testing your products ensures they meet safety, quality and regulatory standards, reduces the risk of product failure, and helps protect your brand reputation.

Our experienced team can guide you through the testing process and help determine which tests are necessary for your specific products.

The testing process can vary depending on the number and type of tests required, but our team will work with you to establish a timeline that meets your needs.

Yes, we can provide testing services for products manufactured overseas. We work with clients from around the world to ensure their products meet all necessary standards.

Our testing laboratory is accredited by national and international organizations including BIS, ISO: 45001:2018, ISO: 45001:2018, ISO: 9001:2015 and we are certified to conduct a wide range of tests for textiles, leather, toys, and footwear products.

Our team can guide you through the submission process and provide detailed instructions on how to prepare and ship your products for testing.

We use state-of-the-art equipment and testing methods to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our testing services.

We provide detailed test reports that include all necessary information, such as test methods, results, and conclusions. Our team can also provide additional support and guidance as needed.

If a product fails a test, we work with our clients to identify the issue and provide recommendations for corrective action.

Testing frequency can vary depending on the type of product and regulatory requirements. Our team can provide guidance on testing frequency based on your specific needs.

Yes, we can provide customized testing services to meet the unique needs of our clients and their products.

We test for a wide range of regulatory standards, including those set by national and international organizations such as IS, ISO, ASTM, and CPSC.

The cost of testing services can vary depending on the type and number of tests required. Our prices are definitely affordable but varies for type of tests and products. Our team can provide detailed pricing information based on your specific needs.

Our testing services are designed to ensure that products meet all necessary standards and regulations. We provide detailed test reports that include all relevant information and conclusions.

After testing is complete, we return the products to our clients or dispose of them in accordance with all relevant regulations and guidelines.